速報APP / 教育 / School Management System Mobile App for

School Management System Mobile App for





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:A 206, Shapath hexa, Opp. Sola High court, S G Road, Ahmedabad

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖1)-速報App

Application for student for School management wordpress plugin

Username: studentApp

Password: studentApp

This Application is For Student Role Only. Here are the App Features:

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖2)-速報App

01: Student Module

- Admit student with complete profile

- Student Login Access and Dashboard

- Student Class Routine and Payment data

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖3)-速報App

- Access to results and Noticeboard

02. Teacher listing

03: Subject Module

- Subject list

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖4)-速報App

04: Marks module

- Exam listing and marks

05: Attendance Module

- View attendance of date

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖5)-速報App

06: Message Module

- Student and Parents can only view messages

- Option to delete messages

07: Notice-Event Module

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖6)-速報App

- Notice appreas on Dashboard calendar

- Single day or multiple day Event Notice

08: Transportation Module

- Students can view details

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖7)-速報App

09: Holiday Module

- Date selection for single day Holiday

- Date range option for Vacation

10: Payment Module

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖8)-速報App

- Keep track of student fees

11: Class Route - Timetable

- Student can view class route - timetable

School Management System Mobile App for Wordpress(圖9)-速報App